Many nationalists exhibit a pronounced fascination with taboo subjects, and it’s easy to understand why. Within their worldview, few topics are as charged as those that challenge their beliefs. Given that radical nationalism itself often occupies a taboo space, it's safe to assert that individuals on this side of the political spectrum possess a deep-seated curiosity about subjects that are socially shunned and taboo. However, this curiosity frequently leads to cycles of indulgence and guilt—what I refer to as "binge and purge." They may dive headfirst into their fascinations, but when the initial thrill subsides, they are left with feelings of shame and self-loathing.
Having navigated this landscape myself as a white nationalist for over a decade, I can personally attest to this psychological process. In the past year, as I’ve embraced my own desires more openly, I’ve interacted with numerous women who share a similar attraction to both nationalist ideas and interracial relationships. Yet, our connections often falter as they spiral into their own purge cycles. This is unfortunate, as I find these interactions both stimulating and enlightening. My hope is that this exploration sheds light on the internal struggles many of you face, providing some clarity amidst the chaos. Based on my own experience and of those I have encountered and written for both the galls and the dudes, comrades.
Cucked worldview
Anyone exposed to far-right narratives quickly realize that much of their rhetoric lacks genuine power or offense (in the sense of going on the offense, not in the sense of offending people). Take the slogan "Stop white geno cide" as an example. The so-called geno cide often revolves around consensual interracial relationships, suggesting that if the white race were as formidable as claimed, it could easily counteract such trends. From a social Darwinist viewpoint, the strong should prevail, and from a traditionalist lens, one might argue that women gravitate toward masculine partners. Which men in Europe are more masculine in the modern era? And which group(s) the strongest? You'd be hard pressed to find someone who says "the white race" with not a single shred of doubt.
Consider a white woman walking through a semi-urban area at night—would she feel more threatened by a group of white men or by a group of men of color? The instinctual fear of the latter reveals much about their perception of power and masculinity. White nationalist men often recognize this, albeit subconsciously, and their attempts to cultivate a masculine image remain defensive. The mantras of "Defend Europe," "Protect our women," and "Close our borders" illustrate a desire to separate white women from threats to their lineage.
The fact that they would fear the foreigners in this case tells you a lot about their perception of power and masculinity. White men are not perceived as a danger. At least not as much as black males. White nationalist men realize this, though mostly subconsciously. They try to build a masculine image for themselves, but their entire rhetoric remains defensive. "Defend Europe", "Protect our women" and "close our borders". All of these illustrate attempts at separating white women from men whom they conceive as a threat to their own procreation, and rightfully so. Many white guys start shaking in their fashy boots when they think of approaching a white girl and asking her out on a date. Migrants don't care and will ask any white girl in the streets to go home with them. The truth is that many of these women will do just that. Their confrontation with this pure masculine energy will activate their own femininity and they will often say yes- even when they rationally want to say no. "We are being bred out of existence!"; this does not really sound like a passive event now, does it? White women willingly spread their legs for migrant men because this offers them the most intense sex, they can ever experience. White people are not being bred out of existence; white people are breeding out of existence willingly.
Esoteric interracialism
Interesting in this regard especially are those ethno-nationalists that identify with any form of esoteric nationalism. Imagine introducing an obsession with a struggle between dark and light into your life when you are a nationalist. Before you know it, you are looking at black and white struggling it off in the sheets. Imagine exploring Jungian psychoanalysis when you have one of the biggest shadows of all the people running around in the western world. Naturally when you are going to ask the question: what is most repressed elements of me, they will fall down the snowbunny rabbit hole. As nationalists confront their shadows, they uncover the vulnerabilities beneath their surface, challenging the simplistic narratives of white superiority. Obviously, this is the steepest and easiest downward slide for nationalists into interracialism.
“But its all (((their))) fault”
Not a rabbit hole that I will delve into in any detail- but ask yourself this question: what good is propaganda if it does not resonate with its target audience? Even if a third party is stimulating this movement, it is only because that concept, idea or feeling al ready existed. It just pulls it out of the shadow of the subconscious and invites individuals to explore what they already feel and think. If there is a third party invested in this narrative, it is only because it found fertile ground to do so. The choice is in the end made by white people and white nationalists to engage with it themselves- nobody else is to blame if they decide to entertain the idea. Saying that they are exploiting the weaknesses of white people is admitting this narrative is true.
Idealized caricature of human nature
White nationalism reduces humans to some kind of perfect moral beings. Submitting to the ideology means that you somehow forgo all the shortcoming of the "normies" and are elevated far above the masses. Becoming a white nationalist, national socialist or traditionalist is perceived as pressing some kind of reset button. Suddenly the person has no improper sexual drifts any more, nor any doubts about their identity or place in the world. By joining an ideological group that is clinging on to a narrative of power, they try to compensate for their own shortcomings, weaknesses and insecurities. This naturally isn't how people tick. You can't just turn biology off by identifying with an ideology. You can't reverse your own weaknesses by hiding behind a group that projects a strong masculine image (or at least tries to, lol). All of these are internal processes that you need to work on as a person.
White nationalist men will work out and while that often does improve their standing in the masculine hierarchy, it cannot undo the psychological disadvantage that they have. Biology and culture are simply not in their favor in the twenty-first century. The quality standard of activists in many movements in the western world is in the gutter, because white nationalists are too afraid to enforce their own rules. Obviously going after deserters and traitors would make themselves a possible target if anyone ever catches them by finding the blacked folder they hide on their desktop computer.
The far-right's perception of women is particularly narrow, relegating them to roles of virtue and purity. Where men are allowed some fun to kick off steam, women are expected to be beacons of virtue, purity and innocence. When their best efforts fall short, some women may seek fulfillment outside the confines of the movement, indulging in relationships that defy their prescribed roles, such as entertaining interracial fantasies. I do not condemn this; rather, I commend their pursuit of personal satisfaction.
Acceptance of the kink
Ironically, the same mechanisms are at play when nationalists turn to interracial sex as when they first radicalized. Individuals within the far right have a tendency to explore taboo subjects, since in most western societies and communities these ideas (especially in their purest forms) are no longer accepted. Clicking the flashy swastika propaganda piece for the first time will trigger the same feelings of naughtiness as a couple of years down the line, when these racist ideas are fully ingrained, the clicking of interracial porn will conjure up. At that point, a shadow inversion has taken place. The nationalism that was once so taboo has become their new normal. If they want that sweet naughtiness hit, they will have to explore new avenues. When they are confronted with their first blacked meme, they will laugh it off uncomfortably, but deep down this will trigger a curiosity for something that is now absolutely taboo. Over time, this can lead to the acceptance of previously repressed desires, resulting in a cycle of bingeing on interracial content followed by guilt. That is the tipping point. This can only go one way. For some it will take many years, but in the end, it is inevitable that they accept their urges. Fascism loses. Not a surprise, as you can tell from all previous points, the game was rigged from the start.
Blessed among the interracial community
Nationalists are rich within the interracial community. While interracial sex is already irresistible and very intense to any white person to begin with due to the strong masculine black energy and the soft white feminine energy, the allure of interracial sex, coupled with their psychological struggles, amplifies the intensity of these experiences. Especially for many white nationalist women, surrendering to their attraction to strong and dominant migrant men will evoke primal feelings of lust and desire they didn't even know existed within them. White nationalists are blessed within this community, because they get to experience the most intense pleasure it can offer. Perhaps that is where supremacy of nationalists truly lies: in their pleasure of submission to interracial porn and sex.
Break the Cycle
Tired of the "binge and purge" cycle? Discover ways to embrace your desires while navigating the complex world of interracial relationships and nationalist ideologies. Let’s discuss how to find balance and acceptance.