Poco originales los logros del cercano 'Red Alert 3', aunque al menos nos sirven para saber de cuántas misiones constará el modo campaña. Será de nueve por bando, esto es, 27 misiones en total. Y por si hay algún despistado en la saga, los ejércitos de esta entrega serán los Soviéticos, Aliados y el Imperio del Sol Naciente, novedad en esta tercera alerta roja.
Por cada misión completada nos darán un logro, mientras que si nos pasamos todas en difícil nos darán otro con más puntos. Lo típico, vamos. Habrá, eso sí, un logro si completamos todas las misiones secundarias de cada bando, algo que en principio puede ser más complejo. Y a mayores, tres logros más para el modo campaña, pero esta vez en modo cooperativo, novedad en la saga.
El resto de logros se lo repartirán las escaramuzas contra la máquina (la más difícil, la de Sole Survivor, en la que lucharemos contra nueve IA), ganar en menos de 5 minutos, utilizar diversos ataques un número determinado de veces (eliminar a 15 enemigos con la espada, o a 30 con una super arma), y poco más. La verdad, muy simplones los logros.
A continuación os dejo la lista:
- The Shrike and the Thorn (10 G) - Complete Soviet mission 1 on any difficulty level
- Circus of Treachery (10 G) - Complete Soviet mission 2 on any difficulty level
- Taking Back Ice-Harbor (10 G) - Complete Soviet mission 3 on any difficulty level
- March of the Red Army (10 G) - Complete Soviet mission 4 on any difficulty level
- The Science of War (10 G) - Complete Soviet mission 5 on any difficulty level
- No Traitors Tomorrow (20 G) - Complete Soviet mission 6 on any difficulty level
- To Tame a Living God (20 G) - Complete Soviet mission 7 on any difficulty level
- The Stone-Faced Witnesses (20 G) - Complete Soviet mission 8 on any difficulty level
- Blight on the Big Apple (20 G) - Complete Soviet mission 9 on any difficulty level
- Ride of the Red Menace (10 G) - Complete Allies mission 1 on any difficulty level
- The Shark and the Lure (10 G) - Complete Allies mission 2 on any difficulty level
- The Famous Liberation (10 G) - Complete Allies mission 3 on any difficulty level
- Enemy of Our Enemy (10 G) - Complete Allies mission 4 on any difficulty level
- The Unfathomable Fortress (10 G) - Complete Allies mission 5 on any difficulty level
- A Monument to Madness (20 G) - Complete Allies mission 6 on any difficulty level
- Forever Sets the Sun (20 G) - Complete Allies mission 7 on any difficulty level
- The Great Bear Trap (20 G) - Complete Allies mission 8 on any difficulty level
- The Moon Shall Never Have Them (20 G) - Complete Allies mission 9 on any difficulty level
- The Death of Father Frost (10 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 1 on any difficulty level
- To Conquer Shattered Spirits (10 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 2 on any difficulty level
- Behold the Shogun's Executioner (10 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 3 on any difficulty level
- Graveyard of a Foolish Fleet (10 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 4 on any difficulty level
- Assault on the Black Tortoise (10 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 5 on any difficulty level
- Rage of the Black Tortoise (20 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 6 on any difficulty level
- Barbarians at the Bay (20 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 7 on any difficulty level
- Crumble, Kremlin, Crumble (20 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 8 on any difficulty level
- The Last Red Blossom Trembled (20 G) - Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 9 on any difficulty level
- Conscript (10 G) - Complete all lessons in the tutorial
- Tempus Fugit (30 G) - Complete all campaigns on medium or hard difficulty level
- Master and Commander (50 G) - Complete all campaigns on hard difficulty level (also unlocks achievement for medium difficulty)
- The Cleaner (30 G) - Complete all bonus objectives in the Soviet campaign
- The Closer (30 G) - Complete all bonus objectives in the Allies campaign
- The Conqueror (30 G) - Complete all bonus objectives in the Empire of the Rising Sun campaign
- Tag Team (20 G) - Complete 9 different online co-op campaign missions
- Dynamic Duo (30 G) - Complete 18 different online co-op campaign missions
- Twin Tigers (40 G) - Complete 27 different online co-op campaign missions
- Checkmate (40 G) - Defeat a brutal-difficulty skirmish opponent on a 2-player map
- Hell March (30 G) - Win battles on all original maps vs. skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- Sole Survivor (30 G) - Win on 2-player maps vs. all 9 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- Against All Odds (40 G) - Win on a 4-player map vs. a team of 3 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- Bloodsucker (20 G) - Leech 7 different enemy weapons using Hammer Tanks in a ranked online match or skirmish
- Short Work (20 G) - Win a battle in less than 5 minutes vs. a skirmish opponent (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- Day of Judgment (20 G) - Destroy 30 enemy units with an ultimate weapon attack in a ranked online match or skirmish
- Girl's Best Friend (20 G) - Kill 25 enemy targets in 1 minute with a Commando in a ranked online match or skirmish
- Meat Grinder (20 G) - Crush 20 enemy units in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- Sword Saint (20 G) - Cut down 15 enemy units with sword attacks in a ranked online match or skirmish
- High Speed, Low Drag (20 G) - Arm 10 Multigunner IFVs with different weapons in a ranked online match or skirmish
- The Knowledge (20 G) - Capture 6 structures in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty)
- The Spy Who Bribed Me (20 G) - Convert 5 enemy units with a single Spy bribe in a ranked online match or skirmish
- Reign of Terror (20 G) - Dismantle 4 enemy vehicles using the same Terror Drone in a ranked online match or skirmish
Vía | Xbox360Achievements En Vidaextra | Red Alert 3, primer contacto con la beta
Ver 3 comentarios
3 comentarios
Jack Grensleaves, es que no compensa en absoluto traducirlos, aparte que ya en la noticia comento la mayoría de ellos ;)
Jack Grensleaves
Te da pereza traducirlos eh,Jarke XD
No te preocupes jarkendia, a falta de comentarios yo escribo algo.
muy buena la noticia
posdata. pole