How To Make The Perfect Seafood Boil Bag at Home

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2025
  • It's about time for the good weather to start rolling in and one of the first things I think about when it starts to get warm out, is a good ol' seafood boil. The boil bag restaurants are popping up everywhere but they can cost a fortune. Today, I show you how to do it at home. Let's#makeithappen
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    Shopping List:
    3 lbs crab legs
    2 lbs shrimp
    4 lobster tails
    2 lbs small potatoes
    1-2 onions
    2-3 lbs andouille sausage
    4 corn on the cob (cut in half or quarters)
    2 sticks of butter
    1-2 heads roasted garlic
    2 tbsps fresh garlic or garlic paste
    juice of 1 orange
    juice of 1 lemon
    2 tbsps hot sauce
    1 tbsps worcestershire sauce
    1 tbsp chicken bouillon powder
    AP and Lemon bae
    1 cup chicken broth
    1/4 cup diced parsley

Комментарии • 945

  • @MrMakeItHappen
    @MrMakeItHappen  Год назад +148

    Grab all of my Products here
    Get a copy of my first ever Hardcover Cookbook

    • @Jman417
      @Jman417 Год назад +5

      Your outtakes are hilarious. 😂

    • @spencer4hi
      @spencer4hi Год назад +8

      My book should be arriving Saturday. I’ve already have your knife (beautiful) and I’m gonna practice right away. Thanks😀🧄🧅🥔🌽🥕🥒

    • @nubian_melaninqueen4473
      @nubian_melaninqueen4473 Год назад +4

      What time is dinner Chef?

    • @CulinaryCentury
      @CulinaryCentury Год назад +1

      I will check this out

    • @Mrs.VonChin
      @Mrs.VonChin Год назад +2

      I know you have merch.. But if you sole a T with "The worst word in the world sauce" folks would buy it! I know I would!

  • @jas5050
    @jas5050 11 месяцев назад +169

    I wasn’t sure where this video was going since I’ve made tons of seafood boil and was about to write this video off. But dang this guy broke out my secret recipe spice…the caldo de pollo bullion….hahaha. Once I saw that and what he did I was like ok this guy is legit. My man! He knows what’s up that sauce is what most folks are missing when they want to make what the restaurants make. Anyone can add stuff to hot water what separates home cooked boils from restaurants is that sauce he is making. My man nailed it! Also, I’ve made hundreds of boils in my life time. As he has stated the key is always prepping and preheating the corn and potatoes and other items. Good boils are all about timing. Regardless of what anyone says a one pot boil ain’t goin to cut it. If not you WILL have MUSH! I subscribed as soon as he said “no one likes mushy crab or lobster” amen!

    • @brandonleneau9990
      @brandonleneau9990 7 месяцев назад +2

      Cooking period is about timing

      @SadLOVESONJI 4 месяца назад

      Hello! If you were to sell the boil he made, what would you charge? Thank you

    • @datdudehyphen9768
      @datdudehyphen9768 Месяц назад

      @@SadLOVESONJIthat’s a good $75-$80 bag

    • @amymee5775
      @amymee5775 16 дней назад

      Yup the seasoning is the boss!lol

  • @prestoncherise5516
    @prestoncherise5516 Год назад +118

    I have made this dish twice and my family is completely quiet. You can hear a pin drop when I make this seafood boil for my family. Thank you so much for sharing an amazing recipe.

  • @isisolivera6926
    @isisolivera6926 Год назад +42

    I’m making this tonight for me and my boyfriend. He’s going to be fresh off a flight home. I hope he loves it!

  • @polomchak
    @polomchak Год назад +48

    I made this for my wife for Mother’s Day, she said it was real good. Thanks very much!

  • @josaidso8438
    @josaidso8438 Год назад +37

    FINALLY came upon a recipe where the seafood is cooked IN the boil. So many people on YT making sauces and cooking the seafood separately then just pouring sauce on seafood. Never understood how they call those recipes boils.

    • @Snooze-bm4td
      @Snooze-bm4td 3 месяца назад +1

      They don't use the plastic

  • @lastonegal6533
    @lastonegal6533 Год назад +14

    I'm originally from New Orleans and now in L.A. for half my life!!!! But I love your cooking! You are amazing! It's the best channel I've ever seen!!! ❤

  • @nextlavalllc4255
    @nextlavalllc4255 Год назад +93

    I did this and turned out great
    That lemon and orange is a game changer

    • @SDeezy593
      @SDeezy593 Год назад +2

      Agreed! It was my first time doing seafood bags. Probably the most expensive meal I've ever cooked too but well worth it!

    • @shamchopyarp
      @shamchopyarp 3 месяца назад

      @@SDeezy593 how much was it if you dont mind me asking?

    • @SDeezy593
      @SDeezy593 3 месяца назад

      @shamchopyarp I don't recall honestly but I came up on some king crab legs at Sam's Club which reduced the overall cost. Ironically I'm planning to make this again today. I'll likely grab the potatoes from Sam's too in bulk and I still have some legs and shrimp frozen. Go bulk when you can for sure. Thanks this saved me from having to look for this vid on my saved list 👍🏽

    • @shamchopyarp
      @shamchopyarp 3 месяца назад +1

      @SDeezy593 well at least I helped 😀
      Was it over $200?

    • @SDeezy593
      @SDeezy593 3 месяца назад

      @shamchopyarp I don't believe so but I also didn't use lobster tails. Maybe close with the crab legs? But the mmmm's made it worth it. And it lasted a few days too.

  • @kaciekeith147
    @kaciekeith147 Год назад +61

    I’ve made your recipe about 3 times now and I am absolutely obsessed with this sauce. It is absolutely delicious. I’ve actually saved some of the sauce and used it with other dishes! I’m actually going to make this sauce regularly and have it on had because I absolutely love it! Thank you thank you thank you for this recipe. It has made my cooking life so much better! You the GOAT!!!

  • @lieulieubear1407
    @lieulieubear1407 Год назад +13

    Your blogs gave me inspiration of cooking. Since I moved in my place I haven’t ate out. And I made this the first day I moved in. All this saved me some money. I usually spend a good $200 for seafood boils.

  • @marysol9152
    @marysol9152 Год назад +41

    “ Bite size pieces “ the sausage 😮😂

  • @kmoliere504
    @kmoliere504 Год назад +5

    I love that you're using Avocado oil and Kerrygold butter instead of vegetable or seed oils.

  • @NandH902
    @NandH902 Год назад +60

    Finally I've come across a recipe (Seafood Boil) that don't require 12 different spices. This is so simple and economically my favorite. I have all the spices on hand so I don't have to go crazy trying to gather everything that other Seafood Boils have so I Thank You

    • @BranniganCarter
      @BranniganCarter Год назад +2

      I use Slap Ya Mama seasoning, and drop in some lemon

    • @goobietheshooter
      @goobietheshooter Год назад +15


    • @AlmightyAphrodite
      @AlmightyAphrodite Год назад +1

      Im dying to make a seafood boil one of these days, but I was wondering about frozen vs live seafood.. I can get a lot of stuff fresh and live, which in most cases is better tastewise.. so i was wondering, does it make a difference in a boil as well? If so, then how do you prep stuff? Ive seen videos where like a ton of crawfish were tossed in alive.. what about cleaning and deveining?

    • @damikey18
      @damikey18 Год назад +3

      @@goobietheshooterrace has nothing to do with this bozo

    • @MordorsEye9
      @MordorsEye9 10 месяцев назад


  • @lastonegal6533
    @lastonegal6533 Год назад +51

    You know Matt, I think your film, lighting, background music, and really your whole quality of what makes your RUclips cooking show? Is the most quality content I have ever seen! As you have a really awesomeness of coolness but homedown vibe and I have spent my whole Friday night watching all of your videos. And I just wanted to say that I just love your channel. You present the best quality, and your food ideas are so original, and never do you bore your viewers. I just had to say something. I love your channel? And yet a whole slew of people present your work. And so kudos to all involved in your awesome and entertaining cooking show! ❤

  • @opalivy739
    @opalivy739 Год назад +140

    Matt this is a nice seafood boil bag tutorial. I love the way you made your butter glaze sauce to go over your seafood content. Everything about this recipe is amazing and great. I will be using this recipe tutorial to make my seafood boil bag. Thanks for sharing your amazing cooking talent with us today!!! ✌🏾✌🏾♥️

    • @CulinaryCentury
      @CulinaryCentury Год назад +3


    • @grandddame60
      @grandddame60 9 месяцев назад +1

      I agree with @opalivy. Everything about this tutorial is great. I consider this Seafood Boil Bag a 5 Star dish. And the picture presentation deserves to be rewarded. The 2 sticks of butter, man lots of garlic, and lemon, and oranges makes this taste awesome. I can't give you stars here, but will you accept 5 hearts❤❤❤❤❤ 😊.

  • @MsBRANDY007
    @MsBRANDY007 Год назад +34

    The best seafood boil in a bag is your own! Looks deeeeelicious 😋🤤! I'm going to add my shrimp, lobster tail, crawfish, and scallops last next time I make a bag because you're right, it does turn out overly cooked! Thanks👍🏾!

  • @mcgowananderson7405
    @mcgowananderson7405 Год назад +28

    This recipe looks amazing prepping to try it tomorrow.. sharing a hack.. spread some butter on the crab leg knuckles before you put them in the bag. This allows the butter to melt thru the claw and makes them easier to get the all of the crab meat when you break them open. Your tips are amazing thanks for sharing...

    • @Sam-Icy
      @Sam-Icy Год назад

      what do you mean knuckle? the part where it bends? I'm really curious now. lol

    • @PuppyBiteforTrump
      @PuppyBiteforTrump 9 месяцев назад

      Yes, the part that bends😂

    • @shantesacaston7570
      @shantesacaston7570 Месяц назад

      I'm hoping he's talking about what I do which is season and place garlic at the top of the cluster take a gold slice of butter 🧈 and mold it over the garlic so while in the oven that slow release get down into the meat 🤤😋 yum!!!!

  • @Jroyyy623
    @Jroyyy623 Год назад +5

    Me and my kids went to red crab and had this we had so much fun this is a great dish to bring everyone together.

  • @veecee3669
    @veecee3669 Год назад +6

    Oh honey, your Seafood Boil Bag is a thing of beauty. I thought, "Well, I'll watch it, but it's probably going to be super time consuming to actually prepare", but nooo, you've made it pretty darn easy, using the oven and turkey bags... genius! Thank you, I'm definitely going to be making this at home!

  • @natalieoramas527
    @natalieoramas527 Год назад +33

    I love this young man and all of his recipes are marvelous!! Thank you so much for sharing your magnificent recipes and techniques. You now have a faithful follower. Keep up the great work!

  • @reviewright3845
    @reviewright3845 Год назад +21

    How long in the oven before adding the shrimp & lobster?

  • @memefree3101
    @memefree3101 Год назад +9

    Thank you for putting the tip in about adding the shrimp and lobster last...I'm sooooo tired of seeing overcooked seafood 👍🏽... this looks delish!!!

    • @kittieberry4214
      @kittieberry4214 Год назад

      Your eggs also they last after everything the eggs should be tossed right before you serve the boil bag❤

  • @Skaison512
    @Skaison512 17 дней назад +1

    Looks delicious only thing I would alter is cutting the potatoes in half . That way they’ll absorb the flavor better.

  • @rozregan8997
    @rozregan8997 Год назад +4

    Thank you! I just made this yesterday. Crab legs were on sale at Winn Dixie. Hubby loved it!

  • @meloi661
    @meloi661 Год назад +5

    I used this recipe tonight for my family. I did not have corn and cooked baked potatoes on the side. I also added brown sugar to help the sauce sticks
    It was a winner! Kids, husband and father in law all ate. It was great! A winner recipe

  • @keelakennedy5802
    @keelakennedy5802 Год назад +12

    How long did you let your crab legs cook. Before adding the shrimp. What temperature for the oven.

  • @Foreveryoung_757
    @Foreveryoung_757 7 месяцев назад +1

    I tried this recipe tonight and hooonneeyyy this will be my go to recipe for seafood for now on!!!

  • @lucillenash6617
    @lucillenash6617 Год назад +21

    Your recipe is going to save me some money now that I can make it happen myself 😊

    @LATOYABANK44 Год назад +353

    Juicy Crab ain't got nothing on Mr. Make It Happen,👑🌟💯

  • @gforce825
    @gforce825 Год назад +2

    @MrMakeItHappen…thank you for blessing our heart and all of our seafood boil parts with this recipe. I was in such a rush that I forgot the potatoes and corn to put in the bag, I also add a good helping of Kimmy’s “Yes that much” seasoning to it also and OMG! My neighbors smelled the base cooking and was at the door, haha. This is a great recipe. Thank God for your skillset.

  • @zombieslayerxo
    @zombieslayerxo 10 месяцев назад +9

    Watching something I can never eat 😢. Looks so good

  • @skydomi
    @skydomi Год назад +16

    That seafood sauce looks outstanding! I'll be making this recipe very soon.

  • @Shabec2982
    @Shabec2982 Год назад +3

    You have the biggest teaspoon portions I’ve ever seen! Food looks delicious btw 🙂

  • @Bizzie_Bee
    @Bizzie_Bee Год назад +14

    Lol my stomach is so full from breakfast but this has my mouth watering. Will be trying this over the weekend, love your channel🙌🏾

  • @ishaoriginal3501
    @ishaoriginal3501 Год назад +11


      @LATOYABANK44 Год назад +4

      Happy Bornday,Blessings 🎉🎁💯

    • @MrMakeItHappen
      @MrMakeItHappen  Год назад +5

      happy birthday!

    • @Mochi-sn3ud
      @Mochi-sn3ud Год назад +4

      3/26 is a great day:) Me too. Happy B-day!

    • @Mochi-sn3ud
      @Mochi-sn3ud Год назад +2

      @@laura-kn9qf ty

    • @ishaoriginal3501
      @ishaoriginal3501 Год назад

      @Mr. Make It Happen
      @Latoya Bank$

  • @brittneychase1263
    @brittneychase1263 20 дней назад

    It was delectable. First time eating and making seafood boil so I was unsure of how it should taste.
    Not that this recipe needs anything added but I included some honey & creole seasoning

  • @queensolsticespeaks9684
    @queensolsticespeaks9684 Год назад +40

    Haven’t had a seafood boil in sooo long! Can’t wait to try this!

  • @Lola-by3vu
    @Lola-by3vu Год назад +1

    We are making this for. My favorite brother’s birthday 🎂

  • @laurar6967
    @laurar6967 10 месяцев назад +3

    Hi Mr Make It Happen, Im Laura and a new subscriber. Your seafood boil bag looked amazingly delicious. And when you took a bite, your face said it all! Im drooling right now! Great video.❤

  • @impunitythebagpuss
    @impunitythebagpuss Год назад +2

    Oh yum.....$200 recipe for sure! Dream recipe! I can almost smell it from here in Newfoundland! Just call Worcester sauce..."the magic ingredient" like my mom did! Lol!

  • @mikebel74
    @mikebel74 Год назад +7

    You’re the boss. I have a large supply of your AP seasoning, hot AP, and Lemon Bae (wow!) seasonings. The thermometer too. I’m all in. Everything, and I mean everything I’ve made from your videos has been a gastronomic highlight. No kidding. People I’ve served have asked me, “what did you do with this dish? It’s life changing!” Keep up the great work. I like your approach to cooking. Not fussy precision, but just fun and delicious eating afterwards. You DO have the beat job in the world!

  • @mjkay8660
    @mjkay8660 Год назад

    i lived in fairbanks near the dock. the huge fishing boats used to throw the lobster & crab in grocery bags if ya gave them to the deck hands for a cold six pack. wow. great eating for weeks.

  • @Simply_Mimi_2
    @Simply_Mimi_2 Год назад +8

    This video is right on time I just had a boil bag from boil Bay yesterday and you were right my corn was mushy. I'm going to make two bags, one for me and my daughter this week. I already got corn on the cob and shrimp. I just need potatoes, sausage, and what other seafood I want to add.

  • @keishiasaidit
    @keishiasaidit Год назад +2

    It's perfect not prefect.
    Cool recipe; will try it next time I have a seafood boil.

  • @sparkle3000
    @sparkle3000 Год назад +54

    I bought that Kerrygold butter.
    Wow... that is some good butter. It tastes so good on my homemade popcorn too.
    This recipe looks so good.
    Thank you.

    • @MrMakeItHappen
      @MrMakeItHappen  Год назад +17

      so good! and better for you too

    • @burghbrat3319
      @burghbrat3319 Год назад +13

      We're big fans of Kerrygold and the family joke is 'Mom puts KGB on everything but Skittles'! 🤤

    • @Pocketoes
      @Pocketoes Год назад +6

      All dairy and meat produce from Ireland are the very best in the world. No exaggeration.

    • @impunitythebagpuss
      @impunitythebagpuss Год назад +4

      Irish butter is the best...goes for about $10 a pound here !

    • @jessfilmdiaries
      @jessfilmdiaries 2 месяца назад

      About how long did you bake it before adding in the shrimp? ​@@MrMakeItHappen

  • @gailemory3625
    @gailemory3625 Год назад +1

    KERRYGOLD pure Irish butter, cant be beaten

  • @brendadlecruise4010
    @brendadlecruise4010 Год назад +3

    Looking good. Trying this recipe this weekend

  • @SDeezy593
    @SDeezy593 3 месяца назад

    This makes me wish I lived in Maine or New Orleans or San Fran . I can't imagine how great this is with all fresh seafood!

  • @charlenedickerson2880
    @charlenedickerson2880 Год назад +4

    Gonna try this boil in a bag.... looks great and maybe my boys wont smell it as much!!! Thanks for the real tip!!!💞

  • @deborathsantana5893
    @deborathsantana5893 5 месяцев назад +1

    LOL here for a good time not a long time 😂😂 I live for this

  • @CHERYLee-s6r
    @CHERYLee-s6r 8 месяцев назад +6

    Oh my God I just realized I’m starving

  • @yvetteminor8142
    @yvetteminor8142 Год назад +2

    Looks good. Have to try it. Thanks for sharing.

  • @adrianakessler384
    @adrianakessler384 Год назад +8

    Looks 😊 so good! Not sure 🤔 if I missed it, but did you say how long approximately & what temperature? Thanks!

    @GGONZIII Месяц назад


  • @neenalouise2633
    @neenalouise2633 Год назад +3

    Yo I was about to dive into my phone to get a taste….. that looked so delicious!

  • @krystalsanchez9421
    @krystalsanchez9421 10 месяцев назад +1

    thank you for all the cool info and tips making this for my momma mothers day 2024!!

  • @chanteldavis6987
    @chanteldavis6987 Год назад +3


  • @ladygreer9323
    @ladygreer9323 Год назад +2

    It's definitely looking good.. Yum, 😋 Happy Sunday to you and yours.. Enjoy.. 🐞❤

  • @lakeishahaskins397
    @lakeishahaskins397 Год назад +4

    Yummy 😊 Thanks for the recipe! Lookin' Good....!

  • @elainjones9442
    @elainjones9442 Год назад

    This is a delicious recipe i tried crab boil and shrimp and sausage.

  • @Kego98
    @Kego98 Год назад +6

    Make it happen!!!❤
    I am excited for this one.

  • @maguilar51
    @maguilar51 4 месяца назад

    straight lol'd at "WORST WORD IN THE WORLD". My brother, this looks amazingggg.

  • @moniemone1062
    @moniemone1062 Год назад +29

    How long did you cook it before adding the lobster and shrimp ?

    • @platinumfights1128
      @platinumfights1128 Год назад +10

      Shrimp and lobster takes probably no more than 7 minutes to cook. I would never peel the shrimp in a boil. Leaving the shell adds flavor. I'm not sure what this guy is doing. You don't need to do all that. Boil everything, start with corn first then potatoes, then sausage then the seafood at the end for 5 to 10 minutes

    • @LandSpecialistTX
      @LandSpecialistTX 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@platinumfights1128they asking how long to cook the boil BEFORE adding the shrimp is it 20 minutes then add the shrimp and then let it finish cooking for another 5-7 min

    • @EyeDeeKay-ln3qu
      @EyeDeeKay-ln3qu 2 месяца назад +1

      @@LandSpecialistTXwhat temp in the oven??

  • @cwebson
    @cwebson 24 дня назад

    Looks wonderful...definitely gonna try this.

  • @TwiskyTsVSG
    @TwiskyTsVSG Год назад +4

    Hi! This is fab! Can you make some French Onion Soup please!? I can’t quit get it right. My mother passed I have a block… she made the best french onion soup! ❤

  • @LornaWilliams-je7nl
    @LornaWilliams-je7nl 7 месяцев назад

    This looks so delicious, the presentation is great. I don't eat seafood but I'm going to try the recipe for my family when we get together. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • @eddiewilson8119
    @eddiewilson8119 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe and it looks delicious 😋!

  • @superficiallooks6458
    @superficiallooks6458 Год назад +2

    I been waiting all my life for this. From you lol. Yassssss

  • @DreamscapesMusicCinema
    @DreamscapesMusicCinema Год назад +3

    Awesome! Thank you for this wonderful video recipe. This looks so delicious. I hope all is well in Your world 🌎. Mark Bensette Aux Bois 🇨🇦.

  • @blessingyoung3116
    @blessingyoung3116 Год назад

    I love the new name for Worcestershire sauce.. "wors what in the world sauce" 😂😂

  • @LisaStarr04
    @LisaStarr04 Год назад +3

    Yummy! Want to try that recipe plus couple boiled eggs 😋🤤

  • @latoyapringle8063
    @latoyapringle8063 2 месяца назад

    I've been doing this all wrong
    Thanks for your recipe. Looks delicious I love seafood

  • @twinkholland8392
    @twinkholland8392 Год назад +3

    Oh man!!! Lookin’ good! Thank you!!! Can’t wait to do this 😊

  • @nevisstkitts8264
    @nevisstkitts8264 Год назад +1

    Excellent video!
    Garlic & Roasted Garlic, yes.

  • @1Mizzld
    @1Mizzld Год назад +17

    Love the recipe. I only wish you had mentioned times. How long to leave boil/shrimp in oven for. ❤

    • @SDeezy593
      @SDeezy593 Год назад +1

      True, I enjoy specifics with times as well, but most of what you're using is already partially cooked or already cooked (like my crab legs) before it even goes in the bag. The exception is the shrimp but that's literally during like the last 10 minutes of cooking. Worst-case use a thermometer to prevent overcooking.

    • @SDeezy593
      @SDeezy593 Год назад +3

      I also didn't thaw my fully cooked Crab legs. My brother that's a chef suggested that and they were damn good and juicy

    • @mybellegirls
      @mybellegirls 8 месяцев назад

      @@SDeezy593good tip!

  • @angelasimmons1271
    @angelasimmons1271 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much planning on doing this tomorrow ❤

  • @itsrebarenee
    @itsrebarenee Год назад +4

    Omg this looks AMAZING

  • @57veepee
    @57veepee Год назад

    Omg. I just tried mashed potato recipe. Just like you said. Never pour cold onto hot. Then I tired your recipe. Omg amazing amazing amazing. Thank you so much. I’m walking around the house like a rock star here🤣 Thanks so much

  • @ladyshegen
    @ladyshegen Год назад +15

    Did I miss the part where you said how long you cook it and at what temp?

    • @justme22408
      @justme22408 Год назад +5

      400° but still searching for how long before adding the shrimp and lobster. He just says "when the crab legs are done and the potatoes are tender". Just curious at an appropriate time to avoid over cooking?¿

    • @RobertoDeNegro
      @RobertoDeNegro 7 месяцев назад

      10:49 He said to cook until the crab legs are done and the potatoes are tender

  • @traciebryant-evans6405
    @traciebryant-evans6405 3 месяца назад +1

    I have never made a seafood bag before. Thank GOODNESS for you sharing this amazing recipe! You made me look so damn good serving this up to my hubby! You can serve that butter sauce on a flip flop and it’ll be delicious?😂✨💯✨Thanks

  • @ItsGr82BUnique39
    @ItsGr82BUnique39 Год назад +8

    Thank you so much for uploading this recipe. I love Seafood boils and can’t wait to make this . I will be sure to grab some of your AP and LemonBae, so I can definitely “make it happen!”

  • @fatsnackaasmr6873
    @fatsnackaasmr6873 Год назад

    Made this for valentines for my family. It was absolutely delicious 🥰😋

  • @clarencejackson8041
    @clarencejackson8041 Год назад +5

    Been following you for awhile and you getting better with every meal 💪🏿🦍🔥

  • @curly73ful
    @curly73ful Год назад +1

    I'll be over for dinner at 5. Have my plate ready 🍽🦞🦐🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @truthhurtz8517
    @truthhurtz8517 Год назад +3

    Looks great Bro...👍👍👍

  • @LivinTheSlickLife
    @LivinTheSlickLife Год назад +1

    Brother you got my watering and my stomach rumbling after watching this! Definitely gonna give your recipe a try!

  • @micahholmes8403
    @micahholmes8403 Год назад +3

    Like always this meal looks 🔥🔥🔥... I would like to know the kind of pan you're using??

    @DENAFLOWERZ Год назад

    awwww don’t play u almost at 1M subscribers!! definitely well deserved

  • @meacha2real
    @meacha2real Год назад +3

    Looks extremely delicious

  • @butterflydustdezignz
    @butterflydustdezignz Год назад +3

    Damnit ❣️ That looks 👀 so scrumptious 😋

  • @TS-tv2ik
    @TS-tv2ik Год назад +1

    I love you....your cooking and personality is speaking to my love language. Bon Appétit 😘

    • @EricaYE6
      @EricaYE6 Год назад

      I saw him first. Get in line, Sister.

    @PEPPERJET7 Год назад +6

    What was total cooking time? Temperature?

  • @carmensantiago2392
    @carmensantiago2392 Год назад

    Getting ideas my menu for Christmas eve is boil sea food. Look yummy

  • @landigirl
    @landigirl Год назад +7

    Can we use red pepper flakes instead of the hot sauce. Watching the salt content

    • @natashad31
      @natashad31 Год назад +4

      I was thinking the same thing, I have high blood pressure….

    • @MrMakeItHappen
      @MrMakeItHappen  Год назад +2


  • @LegendofBamBam
    @LegendofBamBam Год назад

    Bro love your channel. I’ll be thinking “I wish someone would do…” and then you’ll post that thing exactly.

  • @hazelwebster2203
    @hazelwebster2203 Год назад +5

    Oh yes!! My favorite meal minus the sausage. This looks so delicious. Never made it in the bag, always a boil. Tfs, Will be trying it real soon.

  • @amirakoki3125
    @amirakoki3125 8 месяцев назад

    I made it from Algeria and it's definitely delicious ❤thank you

  • @karenrobinson2828
    @karenrobinson2828 Год назад +3

    Hi!! Looks so good!! I won’t be able to find andouille sausage like that. It’s always the store bought version.

  • @chick-fil-agal2264
    @chick-fil-agal2264 Год назад +1

    Mhmm yummy I'm making this for me n my family for Easter they wanted seafood and this lil concoction is perfect.❤ thanks

  • @latishacook2417
    @latishacook2417 Год назад +4

    🥰❤️ love it....