second episode:
Maya: THE PROBLEM (i think in this way i find some enemy...

) she is the classic "damsel in distress", unable to face any difficulty, always hidden behind someone. in this way all her relationship are somethng unhealthy, with her father, with her brother (they don't look so close), with MC to which she lies practically half the times she speaks to him, with her great love Josy (she thought it's over because she didn't hear her on the phone in a while...), with her big sister Quinn, against which she is a ragdoll
she is not owner of any oh her decision, only Josy could save her from Quinn... in every situation she appears weak and pleading. begore she was MC's shadow, now Josy's one
Maya's bad ending: her worst enemy is herself, any destabilization could bring the world down on her, probably the most immediate danger is the free tuition, keeping in mind alla the problems near the HOT. To get her to the end of the story, josy and MC will have to continuously support her