Rudy Giuliani: President Obama doesn't love America

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."
-James Baldwin

Johan criticizes all things America. James Baldwin insists on the right to criticize America. James Baldwin loves America, therefore Johan is James Baldwin? Nah. I don't think that's right. Even though I repudiate most of James Baldwin's beliefs, I still respect him more than Johan. At least Baldwin had some original thoughts once in a while.
Barack Obama has not displayed a love for anything other than his wife and daughters and golf.

citation needed

He doesn't believe in American exceptionalism

citation needed

and every association of his life has been with America haters like Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers.

citation needed

im no fan of obama but statements like blues and giulianis are vague unhelpful and simply wrong. he doesnt believe in american exceptionalism? he doesnt love america? sorry if i offend but these are not intelligent statements
He didn't say he hated America. He said that he didn't love America. Maybe Obama is indifferent toward America.
Then why did he entered in politics ?

I have always thought that you don't try to fundamentally transform that which you love.
1 ) Fundamentally transform ?. Which policy implemented by Obama fundamentally transform America ? Obamacare is not a valid answer.

2) Also when you love something or someone and you think he/she/it has taken the wrong path, you do try your best to put in back in the goog path. Because you love him/her/it it hurts you to see him/her/it lost.
Would you say that Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal, Social Security Act) or Dwight D. Eisenhower (Civil Rights Act, Federal Aid Highway Act) didn't loved America ? Because they've changed it fundamentally changed America ? And so did Lyndon Johnson (Medicare, Voting Rights Act), Richard Nixon (EPA, Philadelphia Plan), Bill Clinton (Abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act) and Georges W. Bush (Patriot Act).

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
He can't hear you ...or I for that matter. MBG is in Captain Potato mode.

No. He doesn't outrank Commander Potatoe just yet. Maybe Ensign Potato or Lieutenant Potatoe. He'd have to embrace a couple loony conspiracy theories to surpass the Commander's sheer idiocy. But he's getting there.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I am not an Obama fan but I am a fan of the presidency and what it symbolizes. I've lost all respect for Giuliani as a result of this fiasco. What positive purpose does this serve? He's alleging that the friggin' POTUS doesn't "love" the USA? What's he supposed to do, sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic while wearing an American flag lapel pin all the time? PULEEEEEZZZ!!! This is the lowest kind of jingoistic crapola designed to denigrate a president who is already under the gun and needs all the support he can get, regardless of party affiliation. Now, today he ups the ante by repeating his allegations but then adds that he doesn't believe Obama is unpatriotic!! Of course, Fox News does their best to keep this in the spotlight.

C'mon Rudy....which way is it? How can you still be a patriot and not love your country?? He's coming off like an old and bitter (not to mention confused, perhaps a bit senile) old man. I appreciate the leadership you showed us all during the events that transpired right after 911 but....right now, you just need to shut the fuck up, Rudy. You're an embarrassment and are becoming a serious detriment to your legacy.
This has been one freakin long day. We had winter weather here and because of that I had an extra heavy case load today. I just don't feel like responding to every dumb response here today
If you want citations search and reference them yourself because they are there. Yes i am a bit obsessed with people who lie to achieve political power then blatantly disregard what they say when they have no more elections to face. I am also obsessed with liars like Al Sharpton who meet with the president 85 times and everything he touches turns to shit. Activist attorneys general and race baiters who owe 4 million in taxes. Reverends and spiritual mentors that God Damn America. Christians being taken to the woodshed because you don't want to offend followers of a religion that is a minority faith in this country. Very sick and tired of you like your plan you can keep it and you will save 2500 a year when my premiums have doubled. Bowe Bergdahl's being released in exchange for 5 terrorists to Yemen which now is blowing the fuck up. IRS targeting conservatives. Billions in loans with taxpayer money to green intitiative corporations while the CEO's line their pockets. Lies about gun running in Mexico that ends up with border patrol agents dead. Totally obsessed with presidents that make commercials for social media sites on the day a humanitarian is executed or playing golf 30 minutes after an American is beheaded. Sick and fucking tired of a president whispering sweet nothings in Putin's ear about just me get reelected and i will be more flexible only to get reelected and become Putin's bitch. Yep color me obsessed


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
OK....not sure if my last post qualifies as one of the "dumb" ones but which color in my 64-crayon Crayola box (equipped with sharpener!) is "obsessed" cuz you sure would be coated with it. Nothing wrong with that I suppose....even though your subjectivity is overwhelming your ability to provide enough to qualify as a burden of proof that you lawyers are so used to presenting but....I can live with that. This is, after all, primarily a pornography forum. I hope you have a good weekend in spite of everything. the way, you neglected to put a period at the end of your last sentence. ;) :rolleyes:
I am not an Obama fan but I am a fan of the presidency and what it symbolizes. I've lost all respect for Giuliani as a result of this fiasco. What positive purpose does this serve? He's alleging that the friggin' POTUS doesn't "love" the USA? What's he supposed to do, sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic while wearing an American flag lapel pin all the time? PULEEEEEZZZ!!! This is the lowest kind of jingoistic crapola designed to denigrate a president who is already under the gun and needs all the support he can get, regardless of party affiliation. Now, today he ups the ante by repeating his allegations but then adds that he doesn't believe Obama is unpatriotic!! Of course, Fox News does their best to keep this in the spotlight.

C'mon Rudy....which way is it? How can you still be a patriot and not love your country?? He's coming off like an old and bitter (not to mention confused, perhaps a bit senile) old man. I appreciate the leadership you showed us all during the events that transpired right after 911 but....right now, you just need to shut the fuck up, Rudy. You're an embarrassment and are becoming a serious detriment to your legacy.
How about we try this instead. As far as I know Rudy hasn't lied to anyone. I will side with the guy that calls out the liar and Obama with all of his lies and playing the role of criticizer in chief can shut the fuck up.
OK....not sure if my last post qualifies as one of the "dumb" ones but which color in my 64-crayon Crayola box (equipped with sharpener!) is "obsessed" cuz you sure would be coated with it. Nothing wrong with that I suppose....even though your subjectivity is overwhelming your ability to provide enough to qualify as a burden of proof that you lawyers are so used to presenting but....I can live with that. This is, after all, primarily a pornography forum. I hope you have a good weekend in spite of everything. the way, you neglected to put a period at the end of your last sentence. ;) :rolleyes:
Oh well. Sorry i didn't write the Magna Carta of responses tonight but how am i supposed to respond to comments like see a shrink or you are obsessed with black politicians with any degree of substance?
No i was not including your post with the responses from the board intelligentsia. Period left out this time on purpose
pretty sure mine was included in the responses you referenced but you cant say things like " every association of his life has been with America haters" and not expect someone to react. really? every association of his life? no single association he has ever had in his entire life has been with someone who loves america? you may be overstating things a little. fine i dont care if you do and i dont really care what your political leanings are but dont make absolute statements that are easily proved false if you want to have discourse.
pretty sure mine was included in the responses you referenced but you cant say things like " every association of his life has been with America haters" and not expect someone to react. really? every association of his life? no single association he has ever had in his entire life has been with someone who loves america? you may be overstating things a little. fine i dont care if you do and i dont really care what your political leanings are but dont make absolute statements that are easily proved false if you want to have discourse.
well let me put it this way for you. every mentor both spiritual and political are far left wing or radical. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to who in his life has influenced him that comes from a moderately centrist ideology and i will be happy to take a look at it. This guy is not saying or doing the things that he was before he became a lame duck. At this point he has a scorched earth mentality and is governing like a dictator rather than the chief executive of a representative republic. I know what i know and i hear what he says and he has done nothing but lie for the past 6 years. He the god damned Manchurian candidate.
i am not sure i can point to particular people who influenced him who fall far right or left as i don't know that well enough but thats not what you said. regardless i dont think this is a productive conversation as your mind is clearly made up and arguments on the internet achieve nothing. i will call you the winner and duck out of this conversation to save my mental health and hopefully make you feel great